The Most Important Step To Receive Your Miracles Faster

Find The Root Cause of Your Problems


Private 1-to-1 Session

Usual Price: $500

Today: $350

(30% Discount)

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Miracle Healing Retreat

Usual Price: $200

Today: $150

(25% Discount )

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This law is so important that if you don’t understand this…

Things will move very slowly for you.

The faster you find your root cause…

The faster you can receive your miracles.

So What Do I Mean By Root Cause?

Let’s say we have this person, Mary.

And Mary has Cancer.

The cancer is only the symptom of the problem.

The cancer is NOT the root cause.

The cancer is the physical manifestation of something deeper that is wrong in your life.

What is CAUSING Mary to have cancer?

The “What” Is The Root Cause

And You need to find the root causes of your problems.

And deal with the root causes.

All the problems that you have right now

Health problems

Money problems

Relationships problems

There are root causes to those problems.

If you want your problems to go away,

Then you need to find and fix the root cause.

If you want to receive Miracles from GOD faster,

Then find out WHY you have all these problems in your life

GOD doesn’t heal the symptoms.

GOD heals the root cause.

When you know your root cause…

Then you know what to ask GOD what to heal.

When the root cause is healed, your problems go away.

And this is one of the biggest reasons why most people don’t receive miracles.

Because they don’t know the root cause of their problems.

You might be thinking…

Why Do I Need To Find The Root Cause?

Why can’t GOD just heal me and take my problems away?

GOD doesn’t heal the symptoms.

GOD heals the root cause.

Let us run through the scenario again.

Let’s say Mary has cancer, and she asked GOD to heal her cancer.

We will play along and say

GOD heals her cancer.

For a while, she doesn’t have cancer anymore.

But because she has not dealt with the root cause of her cancer.

The cancer is going to come back.

The thing that CAUSED the cancer is still present.

So what’s the point?

She has not healed her root cause.

The cancer comes back.

God doesn’t work in this way because He is a complete healer

He doesn’t do incomplete jobs

This is why some people’s cancers come back after their cancer is removed by operation.

The operation may have removed the physical part of the cancer.

But the operation did not remove the root cause of the cancer.

Let me give you another example.

You Need To Remove The Weeds Completely In Your Garden

You have a beautiful garden.

But there are weeds growing in your garden.

Weeds are obviously unwanted in your garden.

Weeds are taking precious nutrients away from your flowers.

So you cut out the weeds.

A few days later, the weed grew out again.

You can cut the weed all you want.

It will just grow again very quickly.

If you cut the weed, but you don’t remove the roots of the weed.

The weeds will grow again.

Until you find the roots of the weeds, and remove the roots…

You will continue to have weeds in your garden.

The weeds in this case are your problems.

Your problems won’t go away, until you find your root cause.

And knowing the root cause is taking full responsibility for your life.

God Wants To See You Take Responsibility In Your Life

Taking full responsibility for your life is another important law of miracles we teach in the program.

There are people who joined the program.

Don’t watch the training videos

Don’t apply the law of miracles in their life

Don’t want to find their root cause

And then one month later

came back and asked me

Why didn’t I receive my miracles?

Why should GOD bless the person with miracles

If the person is not responsible and does not want to be accountable for their own lives?

God will not bless you if you are…

Not willing to find out WHY you have certain problems in your life

Not willing to find out why your problems exist

Not willing to make changes in your life

By now, you understand that you need to FIND the root cause to your problems.

How Do I Find My Root Cause?

There are two ways to find the root cause of your problems.

First Way: Find Root Cause Yourself

The first way is you try to find it yourself.

Let me be straight with you.

The first option is possible but very difficult.

Yes, you can try to do it yourself… BUT.

If you could find your root causes and fix them

You would have already done it long time ago

You wouldn’t be joining my program

Looking for solutions.

The fact is if after all these years, you are still stuck.

Then doing it yourself is not going to work out.

There is a reason why when doctors are sick, they don’t self-diagnose.

They go see other doctors for medical treatments.

There are reasons why doctors don’t operate on themselves.

Other doctors do the surgeries on them.

Even if they are the best doctors in the world, doctors don’t treat themselves.

When someone is too close to their problems, they do not have an objective perspective on what is really going on.

They cannot see the real issue.

They cannot see the real root cause.

They will not be able to identify the issues at hand.

You Need Someone Objective & Experienced To Find Your Root Cause

They will need someone external…

Someone that can be objective…

Someone outside of the problem and the situation…

With a fresh pair of eyes.

Which leads us to the second way.

Second Way: I Find Root Cause Together With You

And the second way is that I do it for you.

I am here to help.

Let me help you to find your root cause.

We will find your root causes together.

We have two great options for you

Option A: Private Session With Me

You can book a private 1 to 1 session with me to find your root cause.

The usual price for the private session with me is $500.

This is for people who have a busy schedule
and want to meet me more quickly in a full private setting.

On this page, I have a limited time offer for people who take action fast.

Or you can select Option B

Option B: Miracle Healing Retreat

You can attend our Miracle Healing Retreat.

Miracle Healing Retreat is an online healing event for us to find your root cause in a small group setting.

This is a more affordable option.

Don’ t worry, You will still have your privacy.

I know most people will not be able to afford a private session with me.

And that’s fine.

That’s why we have the small group event

So more people can attend and find their root cause at an affordable price

On this page, we also have a special discount for the retreat for people who act fast.

How The Miracle Healing Retreat Is Conducted

During the retreat…

You will get go through an assessment with me

And we will determine your root cause together.

You will also experience powerful Miracle Healing during the retreat

The retreat is conducted online via Zoom.

This online retreat will be about 2 hours.

I will be the one conducting the retreat.

I will conduct the retreat once a week

When are the events?

After you select which option you want, my team will follow up with you on the dates and times of the sessions.

Do not worry if you are unable to make the event date.

We run the events every week.

We will do our best to cater to your schedule.

We have students from all around the world

and we will do our best to make it happen for you.

This is a very safe, supportive and private group healing.

This retreat will be in a small group setting

5 to 8 students.

Why are we doing this in a group setting?

The retreat also allows me to help more students in the same amount of time.

Even though the healing is done in a group,

Don’t worry, your privacy is protected.

Only I know your issues

and you do not need to reveal anything

that you do not want to reveal.

Your private information is in

your assessment form and it remains safe

and private with me.

If there is anything sensitive,

You can private message me during the retreat.

Our students told us the healing retreat makes them feel supported and safe

The group setting also makes our students feel like they are not alone and they have others to support them through their challenges

The retreat is a safe space for you to be yourself

Once you sign up, my team will contact you and follow up with you for the event’s dates.

The Faster You Find Your Root Cause; You Faster You Get Your Miracles

If you want to receive your miracles faster…

Then this is a very important step you must take as soon as possible.

The people take full responsible of their life

And make the decision to find their root case early

Are the people who received their miracles faster

Aini who is now cancer free

Lily who healed her diabetes

Veronica who generated over 1.3 million dollars in her business

Clora who healed her autistic child

Elaine who closed a 20 million dollars deal

The sooner you find your root cause

The sooner you receive your miracles from GOD.

Here Are What Some Students Say About Their Sessions

Chris Strongarm

the experience was transformative

The most valuable takeaway for me was Nicole’s ability to pinpoint the root cause of a life challenge I’ve struggled with since childhood.

Her insight not only shed light on decades of the unresolved issue but also shifted my energy in a profound way.


I was astounded by how accurate Teacher Nichole was. 

It became clear and resounding that I had a clue about the root cause of my present problems. 

I am now going to walk the path of solution, and I submissively request all possible God to help me find a permanent solution. 

Nicole, you are a good and inspirational teacher.


I am truly amazed by the profound insights Nicole provided. 

She helped me uncover the root cause of my challenges, and I am committed to continuing my sessions with her.


It was a truly transformative experience.

What stood out most was Nicole’s incredible ability to listen deeply and identify the root of the issue.

After our discussion, she provided a diagnosis that felt both accurate and insightful.


Nicole pointed out something about myself which I have long forgotten about but it is still the trigger to my life unknowingly.

I was honestly shocked and amazed by that and feeling so much more confident that I am at the right channel now.

Two Reasons Why You Are Not Attending?

There are only two reasons why you don’t want to attend the event.

You have NO TIME.

If you have NO time for your own healing

No time to fix your own problems in your life.

Then GOD also has no time to heal you.

Everyone has 24 hours a day.

No time is an excuse.

If you are serious about your own healing.


Find the time to attend the retreat, and find your root cause.

The other reason is you have No Money.

So what do you do when you have no money?

A person saying that they have “No Money” is basically stating a problem.

So what’s the solution?

The solution is to FIND the money.

Talk to 20 friends, and ask for $10 each.

And you now have enough money to sign up for the miracle healing retreat.

And those are not really reasons.

Those are excuses.

And People With Excuses Don’t Receive Miracles

People who are committed to their own life receive miracles.

GOD is not interested in helping lazy people.

On this page you are going to get a special one time offer.

People who act fast get rewarded

Take advantage of the special discount now

You Are Guaranteed To Find Your Root Cause

We don’t fail in this event.

Finding the root cause of your problems is a guarantee.

See you soon

And GOD bless you

Find The Root Cause of Your Problems


Private 1-to-1 Session

Usual Price: $500

Today: $350

(30% Discount)

Submit Your Details Below


Miracle Healing Retreat

Usual Price: $200

Today: $150

(25% Discount )

Submit Your Details Below

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